Biblical history makes reference to Jericho as the first place the Israelites under Joshua assaulted after crossing the Jordan River (Joshua 6). According to the biblical story, it was abandoned after being destroyed by the Israelites until Hiel the Bethelite founded himself there in the ninth century BCE (1 Kings 16:34). The Bible has numerous further mentions of Jericho. Herod the Great built a winter home at Jericho, where he also passed away in 4 BCE.
View from Cypros
At a depth of 825 feet (250 meters) below sea level, the “City of Palms” sprawls out along the Jordan River’s western bank.
In the distance stands Tell es-Sultan, the Old Testament city that Joshua destroyed. The Hasmonean kings and Herod the Great had built a new center on the banks of the wadi in the foreground around the time of Jesus.
Collapsed MB Wall
At the foot of the stone revetment wall, Sellin, Watzinger, and later Kenyon discovered the remnants of a collapsed mudbrick wall.
Bryant Wood gestures toward the bottom of the mudbrick structure. On the day of the wall’s collapse, everyone is in agreement. The most well-informed findings come from Wood, who assigns Joshua as the period when the wall was destroyed (1400 BC).
Storejars of Grain
Numerous store jars full of grain from Jericho, the final Canaanite city, were discovered by both Garstang and Kenyon. The logical conclusion is that these date from the time of the harvest, when Joshua burnt down the city (not pillaged it). As a result, the archaeological evidence perfectly matches the scriptural evidence at this time.
One of Kenyon’s balks at Jericho still houses the store jars shown in this photograph.
Sycamore Tree
“Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through it. Now a man named Zacchaeus was there; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. He was trying to get a look at Jesus, but being a short man he could not see over the crowd. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, because Jesus was going to pass that way” (Luke 19:1-4, NET Bible).