Jordan-The country

TerritoryA semi-arid country, covering an area of 89,342 km2 (34,495 sq mi)
Population 10 million, making it the eleventh-most populous Arab country
CurrencyThe Jordanian dinar (JOD) at a rate of 0.7090 per 1$ and has been so since 1995
CapitalAmman is Jordan's capital and largest city, as well as its economic, political, and cultural center
TimeGMT+3 as Jordan at Lat/Long: 31°57'N / 35°55'E
Dialing /country codeDialing code : +962 , the Country code: JO

Jordan country facts

The oldest statues ever

Amman is one of the oldest cities to ever exist, it’s no surprise it shelters the oldest statues in the world. The Ain Ghazal Statues date back to 7500 BC, they can be found at The Jordan Museum.

The world’s oldest dam

The Jawa Dam is the oldest and the first dam to be built ever, it was constructed in 3,000 BCE, located in the driest areas of the Black Desert of Eastern Jordan.

Size doesn't matter

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Al Mamlakeh Al Urduniyyeh Al Hashmiyyeh, or Al Urdun for short) covers around 90,000 square kilometres – roughly the same area as Portugal or Indiana.

Population proportion

Of the 11.15 million population, well over 90 percent are Muslim Arabs, with small minorities of Christian Arabs, as well as Muslim Circassians and Chechens.

Government form

Jordan is a constitutional monarchy, with universal suffrage over the age of 18. The king appoints the Prime Minister and together they appoint the Cabinet. The Senate is appointed by the king and the House of Representatives is voted in by proportional representation.

Phosphate & tourism

As the seventh-largest producer of potash in the world, Jordan is producing around 2m tonnes per annum of this vital fertiliser ingredient & home to one of the world’s largest phosphate rock sectors, making minerals extraction one of the country’s top industrial sectors and a major support for the Jordanian economy before tourism.

Big cattle, no hat

The Labor Law in Jordan is regulated mainly by the Labor Law of 1996 as amended by Law No 14 of 2019. The Law governs the terms and conditions of employment such as working hours, holidays, rest periods, wages, overtime, leave and termination of employment, etc. Effective January 1, 2021, the minimum wage in Jordan is JOD 260 / $ 367 per month.

Movie Date 1961

King Abdullah’s father, King Hussein, and mother, Toni Gardiner (later Princess Muna), met on the set of Lawrence of Arabia in 1961.  Jordanian soldiers acted as extras during the shooting in the desert. Occasionally, Abdullah’s father, Jordanian King Hussein I (1935-1999), stopped by the set and that’s where he met Gardiner.

Star Trek

King Abdullah once appeared in a non-speaking role in Star Trek: apparently inherited mother’s passion for film: in 1996 where the self-confessed science fiction fan starred as an extra in the role of Lieutenant Junior Grade in the US series “Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager”.


As a young king, king Abduallah liked to slip into other roles to explore problems in his country. He allegedly disguised himself as a beggar or went to the Zarqa free trade zone as a journalist and listened to the complaints of the businessmen.

Jesus Was Baptized In Jordan

UNESCO has declared Bethany Beyond the Jordan a World Heritage site, identifying present-day Jordan as the location where Jesus’ baptism is believed to have taken place. The Vatican and Orthodox Christian patriarchs have given their blessings to the site as the spot where the defining moment of Christianity began.

Dead Sea Is The Lowest Point On Earth

This is a true fact about Jordan: Dead Sea in Jordan is really, really low altitude. It’s actually so low that the shores around the lake account for the lowest point of elevation on the planet, at 480 meters below sea level. The bottom of the lake is 728 meters below sea level.

More than 100,000 Archaeological sites

There are a ton of sights for people to come and see – from the everyday, garden variety tourist to the history buffs out there. Jordan really is packed with old stuff to see. There’s Petra, of course, Jerash, Al-Maghtas, Mount Nebo, and Ajulun Castle – all some of the best places to visit in Jordan.

Huge Earthquake In 363 AD

A seismic event of monumental proportions damaged a lot of buildings and took a lot of lives almost 2,000 years ago across the area now known as Jordan. One of the most prominent structures to suffer was Petra, being literally carved into the rock.

brief history of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan

brief history

Jordan is a land steeped in history. It has been home to some of humankind’s earliest settlements and villages, and relics of many of the world’s great civilizations can still be seen today. As the crossroads of the Middle East, the lands of Jordan and Palestine have served as a strategic nexus connecting Asia, Africa, and Europe. Thus, since the dawn of civilization, Jordan’s geography has given it an important role to play as a conduit for trade and communications, connecting east and west, north and south. Jordan continues to play this role today.

Evidence of Jordan’s history dates as far back as 7,000 years before Christ. Humans have inhabited this land since the Paleolithic era. Three steady kingdoms united to rule the country at the end of the Bronze Age: Ammon, Moab and Edom. Later, Jordan has been a part of the Nabataean Kingdom, the Roman Empire, and the Ottoman Empirem until the Great Arab Revolt occurred against the Ottomans in 1916 during World War I. After the division of the Ottman Empire between France and England, Jordan had become a British colony.

In 1920, Prince Abdullah bin Hussein arrived in the southern city of Maan and stayed there for four months, where he met with the Jordanian tribes to make the necessary arrangements to establish the Jordanian state, and then moved to Amman, where he arrived on March 2, 1921. Since the day when Prince Abdullah arrived in Amman, he started to establish the Jordanian state, he declared the establishment of Emirate of Jordan (Emirate of East Jordan) on March 30, 1921, and he chose Amman to be its capital.

The first Jordanian government was established in the east of Jordan on April 11, 1921. It was known as the Consultative Council, which started with the establishment of army (the Arab Army). It was collected from officers and soldiers who served in the Great Arab Revolutionary Army. The emirate remained under the British Mandate. The population of eastern Jordan in 1921 reached 400 thousand people.

In 1946, Jordan became officially an independent state, known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan. However, it was renamed to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan post the country took over the West Bank during the Arab–Israeli War of 1948. Jordan officially announced its official territory in 1988, and it was one of two Arab countries to sign the peace treaty with Israel in 1994. As well, Jordan has a great role in founding the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation.

adapted from the revolutionary banner of the Great Arab Revolt of 1916–17
Jordan is a year-round destination – but despite its small size, you’ll find wide variations in climate
If you are planning to travel to Jordan, you will most likely have to apply for a visa.


Jordan is about the same size as Portugal or Indiana. Archaeological evidence indicates that the area of Jordan was occupied by settlers as early as 7000 BC, which makes it home to captivating historical and biblical sites. Jordan offers a variety of wonders, from vast desert, to the Dead Sea, to the ancient city of Petra.

Jordanians typically respect those who are kind, friendly, and hospitable. They are generally socially conservative; family values and honor are fiercely protected. Jordanians are proud of their rich cultural heritage.

Free to

• 200 cigarettes or
• 25 cigars or
• 200 grammes pipe tobacco
• 1 litre alcoholic beverages
• 2 bottles of perfume
• Legal personal goods up to JOD 50
• An unlimited amount of local currency can be imported into the country providing it is not converted into foreign money when leaving the country. No limit on the amount of foreign currency that can enter the country providing that it is declared upon arrival although Israeli currency is illegal.
• Local currency equal to JOD 300 can be exported out of the country. Sums of foreign money equal to the amount declared when entering can freely leave the country.


• Illegal drugs
• Knives, Weapons and ammunition – unless permission has been obtained
• Plant and plant products – unless permission has been obtained
• Fresh fruit and vegetables – unless permission has been obtained
• Meat and animal products – unless permission has been obtained
• Israeli currency
• Counterfeit money and goods
• Pornographic material


• All weapons and ammunition being imported into the country will require permission from the Ministry of the Interior/Public security directorate.
• Fresh meat and milk products will need a permit from the Ministry of Agriculture.
• Any fresh fruit and vegetables entering the country will need permission from Agricultural Marketing Corporation
• All dogs and cats being imported into the country will need to be accompanied by a veterinarian health and rabies inoculation certificate. Birds can only enter the country if granted permission to do so by the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture.

Is Jordan a safe country ?

While the media often depicts tension across the entire Middle East, know that Jordan is a very safe country. According to a World Economic Forum Report, it’s even safer than Germany or Great Britain. Stealing from or harming tourists is strongly frowned upon by locals and harsh punishments exist for offenders. As a result, travelers can explore the country confidently.

You may observe a strong security presence and metal detectors at hotels and public buildings, tourist police at major sites, and military checkpoints around border zones. This security presence is not in response to crime, it’s in place in order to prevent it.

Tap Water Safe?

Although some locals drink the tap water, it is recommended to avoid drinking tap water, instead drinking purified, boiled water or bring a water filtering bottle. It is completely safe to shower and brush your teeth using tap water.

Food hygiene

Middle Eastern food is world famous for good reason. Many of the most popular dishes are plant based – falafel, hummus, baba ganouj – and tend to fare better sitting at room temperature for extended periods.

Street food enthusiasts should avoid ordering meat that looks like it’s been out for a while. Fruits and vegetables are safe to eat, but remember to wash all produce bought in open-air markets before eating.

rainbow street in amman at night

Nightlife in Jordan

Jordan is absolutely safe at night and you can move about in the city without worry. As a majority Muslim country, alcohol is not as commonplace as it is elsewhere, but drinking is not a taboo. Foreigners are welcome to drink alcohol but should exercise the same caution they would in other countries. Avoid getting drunk and take a cab home if you’ve had too much. The capital city Amman’s traffic is heavy and chaotic and can be unsafe for pedestrians under the influence.

Solo female travelers

Female solo travelers should feel confident in visiting Jordan on vacation. Despite this, it is always best to gain an understanding of Jordan’s culture, religion, and traditions prior to arrival. This will put you in good stead for meeting local people and understanding the Jordanian way of life. It is also important to be aware of the dress codes, attitudes to women, and potential challenges that you may face whilst traveling through Jordan.


Jordan’s culture is a pleasant jumble of old and new, and Amman, the capital, has rapidly become one of the most sophisticated cities in the Middle East.

JORDAN’S Religion

The strong connection that Jordanians have with religion is an interesting cultural aspect. Jordan is a majority Muslim country. Around 5% of the population practice Christianity.

JORDAN’S dress code

Visiting tourists who wear shorts on the street give roughly the same impression that they would wandering around Bournemouth or Baltimore in their underpants. 


Jordan can be regarded for a typically Arab country for its people are very warm, friendly and hospitable. Jordanians are typically happy to forgive foreigners who break the rules of etiquette. However, visitors seen to be making an effort to observe local customs will undoubtedly win favour.
Joining local people for a cup of tea or coffee can be a wonderful way to learn more about local culture. If you are invited yet are unable to attend, then it is perfectly acceptable to decline. Place your right hand over your heart and politely make your excuses.

Many families, particularly in rural areas, are very traditional and, if you visit their house, you may well find it is divided between the men and women. Foreign women are often treated as “honorary” men.

Local women in Jordan enjoy considerable freedom when compared with many other countries in the region. Women are entitled to a full education, they can vote, they can drive cars, and they often play significant roles in business and politics. Arranged marriages and dowries are still common.


You will sometimes hear piastre or qirsh, which are both 10 fils (10 qirsh equals 100 fils).The currency in Jordan is the dinar (JD) – it’s known as the jay-dee among hip young locals – which is made up of 1000 fils. Often when a price is quoted the unit will be omitted, so if you’re told that something is 25, it’s a matter of working out whether it’s 25 fils, 25 piastre or 25 dinars!

Although it sounds confusing, most Jordanians wouldn’t dream of ripping off a foreigner. Coins are 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 fils, and one dinar. Notes come in denominations of JD1, 5, 10, 20 and 50. Try to change larger notes as often as possible at larger restaurants and when paying your hotel bill. Changing money is very easy in Jordan, and most major currencies are accepted in cash and travelers cheques.

US dollars are the most accepted, followed by UK pounds and euros; you’ll get nowhere with Australian or New Zealand dollars.
There are no restrictions on bringing dinars into Jordan. It’s possible to change dinars back into some foreign currencies in Jordan, but you’ll need to show receipts to prove that you changed your currency into dinars at a bank in Jordan.

Travel Cost

Though sometimes surprisingly expensive, Jordan is generally pretty good value. It’s possible to see the sights, eat adequately, sleep in basic comfort and get around on public transport for roughly £70/US$90 a day for two. If you like things more comfortable – staying in good mid-range hotels, eating well, perhaps renting a car to see some out-of-the-way places – reckon on nearer £120/US$150 a day for two. To travel independently while hiring drivers and guides, staying in five-star hotels and generally living the high life, a realistic minimum is £250/US$320 a day for two. All these figures – which are rounded and approximate – exclude the cost of getting into Petra, which at £100/US$130 for a two-day ticket for two people, could bust your budget, though the Jordan Pass can help offset some costs.

Jordan has a government sales tax, which applies at different rates, depending on the goods/services involved, up to about sixteen percent: bear in mind that, in many situations, the price you see (or are told) doesn’t include this tax, which is only added on when you come to pay. In Aqaba, sales tax is lower than the rest of Jordan. In addition, hotels and restaurants above a certain quality threshold automatically add a ten percent service charge to all bills. They are legally obliged to state these charges somewhere, although it can be as surreptitious as a tiny line on the bottom of a menu.


Queen Alia International Airport

Conveniently located within 50 minutes of Amman’s downtown, Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) is considered to be the main airport in Jordan and is serviced by many global airline carriers.
Taxis are readily available outside the terminals. Shuttle buses also link QAIA with Amman’s South terminal (and back) every half-hour between 06.00 and 16:30, every hour between 17:00- 00.00, and every hour between 00:00 – 03:00am only Airport – Amman. The cost of the ticket is JOD3.00 .
Tel: 06 4453200
Fax: 06 4451136

King Hussein International Airport

As Jordan’s gateway to the Red Sea region of Aqaba, King Hussein International Airport (KHIA) is approximately a 45-minute flight from either of Amman’s airports. Serviced by national and international carriers, KHIA is quickly growing to be a regional hub for both the holiday and business traveler alike.
Tel: 03 2012111
Fax: 03 2012397

Amman Civil Airport

Also located in Amman, Amman Civil Airport mainly serves as a regional airport servicing domestic and nearby international routes. Home to airlines such as Royal Wings, Jordan Aviation, and Arab Wings, Amman Civil Airport is operational 24 hours a day.
Tel: 06 4891501
Fax: 06 4891653


Taxis are inexpensive and often the most convenient form of transportation in Jordan, even over substantial distances, such as the trip between Amman and Aqaba. The white-painted “service taxis” ride fixed routes and are shared.
Private taxis are painted yellow “in Amman” and green “in Aqaba“; they can be taken from ranks outside larger hotels, or hailed in the street. Taxis have metres, but these are not always used at night, so it is advisable to agree on the cost beforehand. The same applies to long journeys. Taxi drivers are friendly, know the city well, and usually speak English. It is considered appropriate for a woman to sit in the back of the taxi. Tipping isn’t compulsory, but it is customary to add about 200 fils (20 piasters) to the price of the metre.


Road trips are the equivalent of human wings. Ask me to go on one, anywhere. We’ll stop in every small town and learn the history and stories, feel the ground, and capture the spirit. Then we’ll turn it into our own story that will live inside our history to carry with us, always. Because stories are more important than things.


Car Rental

Jordan has an excellent and expanding road network, and renting a car can be a good way to see the country. A driving license valid in your country of origin is acceptable, provided you have held it for at least one year. Driving is on the right. Road signs on the highways are in Arabic and English. Brown signs are designed for tourists. There are plenty of petrol stations in Amman and other cities, and on most highways (except the Dead Sea/Aqaba road), but it makes sense to fill up before embarking on any long journey.

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    Friday is the weekly holiday. Banks, government offices and most businesses are closed on Saturdays as well. Many businesses, including airline offices, travel agencies and some shops also close on Thursday afternoon, although department stores and supermarkets remain open. A few businesses and shops close for some of Sunday as well.


    • 1 January: New Year’s Day, local name :”Ras Assanah al-Miladi”
    • 30 January: King Abdullah’s Birthday, Recently cancelled by a royal decree
    • 1 May: Labour Day, local name :”Eid el-Ommal”
    • Date varies: Easter Sunday, Eid Al Fiseh Al Atheem, Al Eid Al Kbeer
    • Observed by Christians. Easter in Jordan is celebrated by all denominations according to the Eastern Church Calendar
    • 25 May: Independence Day, local name : “Eid al-Istiklaal”
    • 9 June: King Abdullah’s Accession to the Throne, local name :”Eid al-Jolous”
    • 15 November: Birthday of King Hussein. After King Hussein’s death, the day is called “Loyalty to Hussein”‘s Day Recently cancelled by a royal decree
    • 25 December: Christmas Day, local name :” Eid Al Milad Al Majeed, Al Eid Il Sagheer” Christmas in Jordan is celebrated by all denominations according to Catholic date (Orthodox date on January 7th)
    • 10 Dhul Hijja: Feast of the Sacrifice or the Big Feast
    • Eid al-Adha: Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who showed obedience to God by agreeing to sacrifice his son
    • 1 Shawwal:the Little Feast
    • Eid al-Fitr: Commemorates end of Ramadan
    • 1 Muharram: Hijri New Year - Ras Assanah Al Hijri: Islamic New Year
    • 27 Rajab: Isra and Mi’raj: Ascension of Prophet Muhammad
    • 12 Rabi’ al-awwal: prophet Muhammad’s birthday, locakl name: “Mawlid al-Nabi”
    Jordanians are known for being one of the most generous Arabian people

    Some Jordanian essentials to consider


    Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, the date of which varies according to the Islamic lunar calendar. During Ramadan, alcohol is not sold, except to non-Muslims in larger hotels. Smoking, eating and drinking in public is prohibited during the hours of daylight. As a sign of respect, visitors are kindly requested to refrain from these activities in public during fasting hours. During Ramadan, many stores, banks and offices open late at 09:00 and close early at 15: 00.


    Don’t feel that you are required to tip your taxi driver, as tipping in such a scenario is not necessary, but is certainly appreciated, Restaurant tips are approximately 10% gratuity in addition to the bill (unless a service charge is included in the total bill).


    Jordan is destination for shopping; you can buy as modern products and traditional handicrafts as well. Walking through the bazaars and shops in Jordan – is not only a great Pleasure but also a great way to communicate with Locals; For example, in small shops they might offer you a cup of tea or coffee before going to bargain.
    Souk (market) – one of the places where the tradition of bargaining is preserved.
    Although the main advantage of the Jordanian market – is handmade products, the country has a lot of modern shops offering the latest fashions and high technology stuff.


    The supply in Jordan is 220V AC, 50Hz – the same as in Europe. Most new buildings and big hotels have British-style square three-pin sockets. Older buildings tend to have two-pin sockets for European-style thick-pronged, round plugs.


    Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours
    Daylight saving time: +1 hour
    Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT +3 hours
    Time zone abbreviation: EEST


    Airmail letters and postcards can take a week or two to Western Europe, up to a month to North America or Australasia. Asking someone to write the destination country in Arabic can help avoid things going astray. It’s safest to ignore the street postboxes and instead send your mail from larger post offices, all of which have a box for airmail (barid jowwy). Stamps (tawabe’a) cost pennies, but parcels are expensive (JD10–15 for 1kg). International courier firms are well represented in Amman and Aqaba.

    10 Customs Only Jordanians Can Understand

    Ginin Dunia Rifai
    Born in Germany, raised in Jordan and grew up with a head full of dreams. Ginin Dunia, or simply Ginin, is an admirer of wonders and passion towards everything. Her ambition in writing began at a very young age when she started documenting her life in a form of a novel, with the characters living only in her head, and the memories in her heart. She finds it extraordinary how much words can explore a persona of the writer, no matter what he decides to write. Ginin also is pursuing photography as a career. Where in a small country like Jordan, dreams are hard to achieve, and harder to be supported. Yet, her little home-based studio is eventually coming to the light despite everything. When not on the laptop or in her studio, Ginin will be probably searching for the most inspiring movies to watch, or pampering her two street-rescued black cats, Siyah and Roux.

    Parents call their children “Mom” and “Dad.”

    A cute pet name has evolved over the years to a mother or father sometimes referring to their children as “mom” or “dad.” So don’t be surprised if your Jordanian friend’s father asks, “How was your day, Baba?”

    Offering food is a must, accepting it is rude.

    This rule is a bit complicated. Jordanians love offering their food, whether it’s a bite of their sandwich or an invitation to a family dinner. Offer food to anyone sharing your company; a local repeatedly refusing gives the impression that they’re too polite to intrude on the meal, but a foreigner refusing a food offer will insult the person offering it.

    Plastic bags live inside another plastic bag.

    Jordanians don’t use eco bags when grocery shopping, so a family leaves the supermarket with over a dozen plastic bags. And every Jordanian home has a plastic bag containing all the other plastic bags, which are used to line trash cans or store even more plastic bags in later on.

    Everybody cleans up everything, everywhere.

    To be honest, this tradition is not understood even by Jordanians themselves. Whenever a family expects guests, everyone rushes into a manic cleaning race. Every part of the house is cleaned and tidied, even those that the guests wouldn’t consider reaching, such as the bedrooms. Nevertheless, Jordanian mothers’ orders must be followed.

    Every single guest must be greeted.

    Greeting the large number of visiting guests or relatives can be more stressful than expected. Each and every one of them must be greeted with customary cheek kissing, and that takes a rather long while (especially when a certain old auntie hasn’t see you in a while and pulls you in for more kisses). This is also why handshakes are impractical—imagine how much more time that would add to the ritual.

    No one stands in line.

    Jordanians tend to ignore organization in any form, in any situation. Most Jordanians abhor anyone disrespecting a line (already a rare phenomenon) and will complain about it—but they do it themselves anyway!

    Nothing is useless.

    Empty food containers like jars, bottles, and bags are never thrown away. Nutella jars store spices, Coca-Cola bottles hold olive oil, and even a rice canvas bag can store most of a person’s belongings in a pinch.

    Insults are better than chocolate and roses.

    Calling each other insulting names among family and friends is a way of showing love. In fact, a person addressed politely by a close friend would be deeply surprised and would question their friend’s intentions.

    Making fun of accents is a local hobby.

    Jordan is home to Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis, Lebanese, and many more Arab nationalities. It’s a common pasttime to make fun of someone speaking in a different Arab accent; in fact, that person would join in. Such action is very rarely taken offensively because almost all Arabs have a common understanding of traditions that might be incomprehensible to foreigners.

    Saying goodbye is a conversation starter.

    Bidding goodbye to someone on the phone or to guests at the door usually turns into a whole new conversation—and truth be told, no one knows why! A simple goodbye can turn into another hour on the phone or standing by the door until everyone realizes they’ve been standing too long and has a good laugh about it.

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